Friday, July 23, 2010

The Freedom Trail( Tour Zhang)

Last Friday, we went to the freedom trail, and there is really beautiful, and the weather is very good. Teacher asked us to be a tourguide, everyone need to have a speech to others. And we have been to many places on that street. Firstly, we went to Boston Common, it is a really great and old park, and then we went to park street church which was built in 1809 and still used today, the church has played an important role in promoting human rights and social justice. Thirdly ,we went to Granary Burying Ground which is established in 1660. Many of Boston's most famous early citizens are buried here. After that, we went to many places and we back to dorm.From this trip, I know that although America has short history, but the history is great, it can make people know how powerful this country was. So, we need to spare no effort to study things from America, and become more excellent.

Feferal Reserve Bank( Tour Zhang)

Last Friday, we went to Federal Reserve Bank which is the oldest bank in the USA. We took the orange line first and then we took the red line to thais bank.When i first been there, it was really beautiful. Then, we have litsened a presentation which is by a Spanish American.That made me know that how old history the bank is, and how the American economy devoloped. Then he taught us how to quot the fake money and real money. After this, we saw a movie about the devolopment of American economic history. What is more, i knew there are 12 this kind of banks in the USA, and most of them are located in northeast of American, and just one this kind of bank located in southwest of America. Besides, these banks not belong to government.All in all, this is a really good bank, i love it.

Friday Trip; African American Heritage Trial( Tour Zhang)

This week, we went to African American Heritage Trail. We got the subway at 12:45 near the dorm. We went there at 1:30 pm. The weather is really hot, everyone was tired, but as for me, i am really enjoy this trip. From this trip, i knew two things. Firstly, i think the houses and churches are the oldest building in Boston City, and it can represent the culture and the history of Boston. What is more, the houses and the churches are really beautiful. Boston City is the oldest 13 Cities of America, and it has far-reaching history. Secondly, i think our tutors and Moir were very toilsome. I admire you. Whatever the how hot is the weather, they alway bring us to someplace where are the most great place in Boston. Maybe, we need to study their spirit, and it is good for our liftime.

Havard University( Tour Zhang)

Last Friday, we went to Havard University. In the afternoon, we took yellow line, then took red line to Havard university. Everyone knows that Havard University is the best university around the world, thus i really enjoyed that trip. When i first sat foot in the Havard University, i was suprised. It is a extremely beautiful campus, there were many lawns in the campus. And many people had a seat there. Someone were reading, someothers were playing games. And also, there was a statue there, he is the person who set up this university, and we took photos there. Then we went to science building, it is a very nice building, and there is a fountain before the building, many people were play ing there. All in all. Havard University is a extremely beautiful and great school. Many famous people are graduate from Havard university. I love it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Harvard University

Harvard University
Last Friday we went to visit Harvard University as a world-class university that I believe the university must be a childhood dream University. The weather is very hot that day, but this can not stop our enthusiasm to Harvard. When we went to Harvard, when a Harvard student and introduced him to lead us to visit the campus.
Harvard University (officially The President and Fellows of Harvard College) is a private university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a member of the Ivy League. Established in 1636 by the colonial Massachusetts legislature, Harvard is the first corporation chartered in the United States and oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Harvard was founded in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, making it the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Initially called "New College" or "the college at New Towne", the institution was renamed Harvard College on March 13, 1639
We are happy to spend the day at Harvard tourism hope one day we can read in there

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Harvard University

Nick Zhou Jiayu
Harvard University
This weekend, we have a special trip, we visited Harvard University.
The atmosphere in Harvard was charged with peaceful. Harvard University is a private university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a member of the Ivy League. Established in 1636 by the colonial Massachusetts legislature, Harvard is the first corporation chartered in the United States and oldest institution of higher learning in the United States.
The university currently comprises ten separate academic units. Harvard has the largest financial endowment of any school in the world, standing at $26 billion as of September 2009.Harvard is consistently ranked as a leading academic institution in the world by numerous media and academic rankings.
The trip gives me a deep impression, Harvard University is the highest educational institution in America, indeed with the world as a whole. My dream is go to school in Harvard. I hope my dream will come true in the future.

Trip of Harvard

Last Friday, we visited Harvard University which was one of the best university of the world. I was impression with the scenery of Harvard and it gave me a different feeling which compared with Northeastern University. The Harvard is traditional and historical—it built with the history of US.
For Northeastern University, the building style is modernist. But for Harvard, it more looks like the showing of the American history and culture. When I went to Harvard, I felt that I got the picture of 20 century which fell full with archaic and traditional. There are hundreds year building with the old building style—I believed that this is the specialty of Harvard.
For this trip, I was not only interested in Harvard building—I was also interested in the legend of Harvard. Before I came into the US, my friend told me that touched the foot of statue of Harvard with making a wish and the statue would achieve my wish. It was amazing and I tried. Maybe the statue doesn’t have magic to achieve my wish, but, I can get the belief and power to work hard and never give up my dream at least. I got the some confidence and determination from touching the foot. This legend gives people wish and belief. That is why I insisted the legend was amazing.

Monday, July 19, 2010


The Friday trip was to Harverd University. Old houses with exquisite glass windows are all over the whole university. Towering trees show the history of this university and witness the development of it. The weather was still abnormally hot, but I finished the journey. The dining hall in Harverd I saw was an enormous one but quite delicate and old. I think the reason why Harverd students are better than others should give the credit to the dining hall, because they eat delicious food and have enough physical strength to immerse them in studying.

I found a student in Harverd stand on the windowsill, greeted us and take photos. How enthusiastic he is! There were also a large amount of people sitting on the grass to read like what I saw in Northeastern University to enjoy the sunshine. All people in Harverd look quite common and no characteristics. However, perhaps a old man you meet is a so affective professor in the world.

It is strange that there is not any black person in Harverd perhaps it is an absolutely exclusive school.


The Friday trip was to Harverd University. Old houses with exquisite glass windows are all over the whole university. Towering trees show the history of this university and witness the development of it. The weather was still abnormally hot, but I finished the journey. The dining hall in Harverd I saw was an enormous one but quite delicate and old. I think the reason why Harverd students are better than others should give the credit to the dining hall, because they eat delicious food and have enough physical strength to immerse them in studying.

I found a student in Harverd stand on the windowsill, greeted us and take photos. How enthusiastic he is! There were also a large amount of people sitting on the grass to read like what I saw in Northeastern University to enjoy the sunshine. All people in Harverd look quite common and no characteristics. However, perhaps a old man you meet is a so affective professor in the world.

It is strange that there is not any black person in Harverd perhaps it is an absolutely exclusive school.

Trip to Harvard University

Lsat Friday, we had a trip to Harvard University. When I was a chid in China, I heard that Harvard university was one of the best universities in the world. So I was so excited to go into the gate of Harvard.Harvard University is a is a private university located in Cambrige ,MA and a member of the Ivy League. Established in 1636 . No doubt, it has a long history containing education.The John Harvard statue is the most famous sight in campuss , standing for a target of humorous decorations. I was lucky to take photos of it with my friends. Hunging out the campus ,I found there were so many students sitting under the shadow of the tree , they talked each other and laughed . There was a reaally good atmosphere in campus.Therefore, students in Harvard could be happy to study , to focus on their major. I was so happy to go to Harvard.

The Harvard university________by Tony

Last Friday we went to the Harvard university which is the top university of the world, at least this value is existing in China. This is a great university which is open and full of great professors and students. Getting into Harvard and being a student of it is always a dream of every student. Since the moment you step in the Harvard, you are already in a sort of success and you will have a bright future.
Harvard university has a glorious history, and it is consistently ranked as a leading academic institution in the world by numerous media and academic rankings. Compared with Northestern university, Harvard is more historic, especially the difference of buildings aof these two universities. NEU's seems to be moderner. On the contrast, Harvard seems to have more history and glory willing to tell us.
As what i could see, the main compus of Harvard is centered on Harvard Yard in central Cambridge and extends into the surrounding Harvard Square neighborhood. The Harvard businsee school and many of the universities althletics facilities, including Harvard Stadium, are located in the city of Boston's Allston neighborhood, which is situated on the other side of Charles River from Harvard Square. The Harvard medical school, the Harvard shchool of Public Health are located in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area of Boston.
Anyway, i think this was a great trip which make me ambitious again as well as reagaining experience of travelling the top university in the U.S.

Havard University

Last Friday, we went to Havard University. In the afternoon, we took yellow line, then took red line to Havard university. Everyone knows that Havard University is the best university around the world, thus i really enjoyed that trip. When i first sat foot in the Havard University, i was suprised. It is a extremely beautiful campus, there were many lawns in the campus. And many people had a seat there. Someone were reading, someothers were playing games. And also, there was a statue there, he is the person who set up this university, and we took photos there. Then we went to science building, it is a very nice building, and there is a fountain before the building, many people were play ing there. All in all. Havard University is a extremely beautiful and great school. Many famous people are graduate from Havard university. I love it.

Tour Zhang

Friday, July 16, 2010

Bryan BLOG 7 Harvard University

We went to the Harvard University this Friday. The weather is very hot at that day. We took the orange line to downtown crossing station and changed the red line to get to Harvard. We walked around the university and listened to the tour guide’s introduction about Harvard. I have known a lot after I finished this trip.

I think there are quite a lot differences between the Northeastern University and the Harvard University. Firstly, the buildings in Northeastern University are new. In contrast; the buildings in Harvard is old. But there are a lot of interesting stories about these buildings which are in Harvard. Secondly, I think the grass in Northeastern University is better than Harvard. It is more beautiful than Harvard.

In my opinion, the Harvard University is not only a university but also a history of the United States of America. The university is just like a representative of the United States. This university has taught eight presidents of the United States of America. This is a huge number. Every American citizens are proud of this university.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

African Heritage Trail

Friday, we visited the heritage trail and I enjoyed it although the weather was too hot. With walking on the African heritage trail and the presentation of my classmates, I knew a lot about the development of history of African American such as John Coburn House. The part of John Coburn House was my presentation and I learned a lot from John Coburn.
John Coburn, as an African American, established his own brand clothing before civil war. He born with poor and discrimination but became one of the most rich and excellent people in Boston. He commissioned Boston architect Asher Benjamin to design a house for his new property on Phillips Street where we visited on Friday. John Coburn was also a member of Freedom association which liberated slaves.
As far as we know, the African American had no rights to get education and do business. However, as an African American, John Coburn established his business and started a new track mark of clothing. At the same times, he devoted himself to liberate African American and joined the Freedom association. He born before Civil war and died after Civil war. What a miraculous life of him.
From his story, I understand never giving up no matter how difficult the life you have and doing contribution to society. Everything would be change if people have belief to do what they might not achieve. The world will be change if people never give up. Also, the world would be better if everyone does contribution to society such as the liberty of African Aemrican.

This friday

As a lazy student, I was proud that I could finish the African American heritage trail in that hot weather. I strongly regretted that I did not wear in cool instead of jeans. My leg was surrounded with sweat and it moved hard. I drank an enormous bottle of Sprite during the trip and still suffered from the hot weather. However, I believe that most of the students would enjoy the path we went through. Old houses arranged along the path with balcony which covered with plants. There was not anyone except us. I immersed myself in that simple and unsophisticated environment.

I deeply understand the cultural and historical context of Boston this city. The first public school for black children left deep impression in my memory. The Smith school found depending on the will of Smith and there is absolutely a beginning in education for black children which gave a slap on the face for those who discriminated black people. Boston staid in high status in history of the America and that day I could feel the contribution of this city.

Actually, this trip is perfect and connects sightseeing with humanistic education. I think I will be more pleased if the weather is not abnormal.

one week

During this week I have a special experience. I have though my music class’ midterm exam. This is the first time I have big exam in United State. Actually I am very nervous I am in the classroom waiting for the midterm. I know midterm exam is very important for us. But my foundation English is very poor in the class I can understand what was teacher said knowledge with the teacher’s explain but I am do very bad in my quiz. I do not know why. I want to have high score I want to do better in the class and the exam. But something is already done no matter I do anything it not will be change. So I think the only one thing I can do is review next the examination For example, I have to test macroeconomic in today afternoon. I do not know what will happen but I know if I did not want so sad like the music midterm I need try my best for my review and be careful in my exam. At the and I hope I can pass the exam successfully

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Heritage Trail

Nick Zhou Jiayu

This weekend, we visited the Black Heritage.
The palce is consisted of many parts, like George Middleton House, John J.Smith House, The Phillips School and so on. Thses places have a strong historic character as a city of culture. Among them, the Phillips School gives me a very deep impression. The Phillips School is a co-educational independent boarding high school for boarding and day students in grades 9–12. The school is located in Andover, Massachusetts, 25 miles north of Boston.
Andover is a member of the Eight Schools Association, begun informally in 1973–74 and formalized in 2006. Andover was host to the annual meeting of ESA in April 2008. Andover is also a member of the Ten Schools Admissions Organization, founded in 1966. There is a seven-school overlap of membership between the two groups.
It represents the education system of America, and let us know how is America high school. It is really a good trip for me, I will remember it.

African American Heritage Trail

Last Friday,a hot and depressing day,we went to African American Heritage Trail,which are the best preserved places for leraning about the history of African Americans in Boston. Although i was suffering from the hot weather, i was still attracted by these historical and classical building. This is why I took so many photos. What impressed me most is the Smith Court Residences,there five residential buildings on Smith Court that are typical of the homes occupied by black Bostonians in the 19th century.NO. 3 was built in 1799 by two white bricklayers,which was a double house with a common entryway.Moreover, NO. 5 was built as income property by a lawyer between 1815 and 1828.NO. 7 was built in between 1802 and 1811.And NO.r 10 was built in 1853 for Joseph with two brick stories , next to the African Meeting House. These buildings revealed me the history of African American. I've learned a lot during this trip

Friday trip:African American Heritage Trail

This week, we went to African American Heritage Trail. We got the subway at 12:45 near the dorm. We went there at 1:30 pm. The weather is really hot, everyone was tired, but as for me, i am really enjoy this trip. From this trip, i knew two things. Firstly, i think the houses and churches are the oldest building in Boston City, and it can represent the culture and the history of Boston. What is more, the houses and the churches are really beautiful. Boston City is the oldest 13 Cities of America, and it has far-reaching history. Secondly, i think our tutors and Moir were very toilsome. I admire you. Whatever the how hot is the weather, they alway bring us to someplace where are the most great place in Boston. Maybe, we need to study their spirit, and it is good for our liftime.

Tour Zhang

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Black Heritage Trial-----by Tony

This Friday, we had a trail of black heritage in Boston which seems to be quite historic. Though it was so hot that everybody was very tired of this trail, some of us still wanted to finish this significant trail. Because we have only been here for almost one month, not just hanging around on the streets and buying stuffs in stores, but also we should learn and visit some famous places of this city which stored memory of its history.
Robert Gould Shaw and 54th Regiment Memorial is near the State House of MA
which is the begi
nning of this trail. It was said that President Lincoln admitted black soldiers into the Union forces in 1863. Then the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry was the first black regiment to be recruited in the North.The 62 names listed on the lower portion of the monument are those soldiers who died during the assault. They were added in 1982.
Then we went to the George Middleton House which is the oldest extant house built by African Americans on B
eacon Hill. I really like the style of this house. The pity was that we could not be able to get in the house whi
ch is private now.

The next site is The Phillips House which is typical of 19th century schoolhouse in Boston. Watching this building, i could not help imagining the schoolhouses in the countryside of China which were poor and lack of facilities.
Other places that we visited such as John.J.Smith House, Charles street Meeting House, Lewis and Harriet Hayden House, Smith Court Residence, and Abiel Smith School which are all the most significant places in this trail. Getting tired and thirsty in this trail, so i think is was not enjoyable than i expected it to be. Maybe we should cut this kind of trail which makes everyone exhausted, and add some other activities which are much more easier to be finished.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bryan BLOG 6

Yesterday, we went to the African American Heritage Trail. The weather was very hot at that day. Even though the weather is hot, most of us really enjoy this trip.

In this trip, we saw a lot of historic buildings in Boston. These famous people are memoried by all the citizens in the United States. Our classmates are divided into pairs, and each groups introduced different buildings. I introduced the John.J Smith House and the Charles Street Meeting House.

I really enjoy this trip because in this trip I knew a lot of famous people in America's history. Everyone should remember them.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bryan BLOG 5

Bryan BLOG 5

This week, we went to the Massachusetts State House. The weather is pretty good but a little bit hot. We went to there are train and got off at the downtown crossing station. There are a lot of exhibitions in the State House. The tour guide introduced the history of the State House, a lot of useful information about the State House. I took a lot of photos in the State House. I really enjoy the trip.

This weekend is a special day for the United States of America. It is his birthday. I went to see the fireworks in Sunday night. The fireworks is awesome, I enjoy it very much. Personally speaking, every US citizens will be very proud of their country at that time. Just like the celebration of China, at that day, I also feel very proud of my country.

Bryan BLOG 4

Bryan BLOG 4

The week, we went to the Federal Reserve Bank. I learn a lot from this trip. Firstly, I want to study in business, so I am very interesting in the banking systems in America. Secondly, this trip let me know how the American banking system works. There are a few differences between Chinese banking and the United States banking. I really enjoy this trip.

After we finished the trip, some of my friends and I went to the downtown of Boston. We eat the chaffy dish in Chinatown. We also went to the biggest supermarket in Chinatown. The things there are quite cheap. For example: the milk in the common supermarket is $3.99, however, in the C-market, it will just cost you $1.99. We can save a lot of money there.

These days, I can feel the different cultures between China and America. The ways how people do things is quite different. For example, in China, when you want to cross a street, the cars behind you will sound the horn and drive passes you. But in America, most of the drivers will slow down their cars and let you go first. The environment in the United States is also good. I live in Shanghai, and the weather in Shanghai is similar with Boston. But in some south cities, the weather is very bad.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve is our destination in this Friday trip. It is less challeging than other destination in the past because we can take subway to go there without walking. Otherwise, it is what I enjoy in that hot day. We go into the house through security check which is like the process in airport. I suffer from it since I think I have no privacy under the detection.

Before arriving the room to get the presentation, we have to go down stairs. That is a terrible process because I do not like the bleak environment and cannot feel the fresh air. From the presentation, I can learn more about banking like its history, function and so on. I also know the difference between federal bank and some commercial banks. As the director to commercial banks, The Federal Reserve lives in different aspect and stay in different territory. As last, I get a bag of money which is cut in flakelet. In my opinion, I believe I can piece them together to a whole note when I am boring.

I do not think the journey today is that boring. Anyway, I can find something interesting in it and I really enjoy the trip every week. I can know the United States deeply in different aspects.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Trip to The Federal Reserve Bank

Last Friday, we wen to the Federal Reserve Bank which i was also expected to. Because my major is Accounting and Finance, which is connected with Banking system. I had a big interest on this trip and i was fully passionate.
The Federal Reserve Bank in Boston has a enormous building which matches its significant function in the banking system. We listened to a presatation in the underfloor of that building. I was curious about what exactly is in this mainly government owned bank, but the pity was that we could not enter the working places or even have a look.
In the presatation, we have been told that this bank was first created in 1913 with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. It can response a series of banking financial panics in case of an financial crisis or unecpected event. Event such as Great Recession or Depression were major foctors leading to changes in the system. Its duties today, according to the authorization of the Congress, are to conduct the nation's monetary policy by influencing monetary and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of maximum employment, stable prices level, and moderate long-term interest rate. Otherwise, it is able to supervise and regulate the commercial bank institutions to ensure the safty and soundness of the nation's banking and financial system. Furthermore, it also mantains stability of the financial system and contain systemic risk that may arise in financial market. Finally, it provides financial services to depository institutions, the U.S government, and foreign official institutions, including playing a major role in operating nation's payments system.
I really enjoted this trip and i believe all of our classmates were appreciated. Because we all learned lot of new knowledge about American banking system and some financial information.Thanks a lot to our Professor.

Federal Reserve Bank

Last Friday, we went to Federal Reserve Bank which is the oldest bank in the USA. We took the orange line first and then we took the red line to thais bank.When i first been there, it was really beautiful. Then, we have litsened a presentation which is by a Spanish American.That made me know that how old history the bank is, and how the American economy devoloped. Then he taught us how to quot the fake money and real money. After this, we saw a movie about the devolopment of American economic history. What is more, i knew there are 12 this kind of banks in the USA, and most of them are located in northeast of American, and just one this kind of bank located in southwest of America. Besides, these banks not belong to government.All in all, this is a really good bank, i love it.

Tour Zhang

Monday, June 21, 2010

freedom trail

On last Friday June 19, 2010 we together visited freedom trail and saw many long history place in Boston.

This trip show us know the boson history. We visited place was Boston Common Boston Common is the oldest park in the country. The park is almost 50 acres in size. Before that day I have already heard this place but I have no change went there, so when I walking in it I am feel so good. The sunshine and grassland are harmonious at that time

The following place we went to park street church it is old town granary the thirdly place we went to Granary Burying Ground which is established in 1660.

But I have one of my visited I like best is Faneuil Hall. At this place I make my speech. This was the place, is one of the most famous shopping and dining experience, that the market Faneuil hall it have a long history has served as a marketplace and a meeting hall since 1742.

Although that day the sun was so strong we also have a good time in it .I learn many things in this trip.

Tour Blog (The Freedom Trail)

Last Friday, we went to the freedom trail, and there is really beautiful, and the weather is very good. Teacher asked us to be a tourguide, everyone need to have a speech to others. And we have been to many places on that street. Firstly, we went to Boston Common, it is a really great and old park, and then we went to park street church which was built in 1809 and still used today, the church has played an important role in promoting human rights and social justice. Thirdly ,we went to Granary Burying Ground which is established in 1660. Many of Boston's most famous early citizens are buried here. After that, we went to many places and we back to dorm.
From this trip, I know that although America has short history, but the history is great, it can make people know how powerful this country was. So, we need to spare no effort to study things from America, and become more excellent.

Tour Zhang


Bryan BLOG 3 class’s topic for this week’s field trip is American heroes and the frontier heritage. So June 17th, we went to the Freedom Trail. The weather is good at that day. We took the green line and got off at Parker Street.

The Freedom Trail is a wonderful place. Just like the sentence which is written on the internet: “There is no other place in the United States where you can take in the rich history of America’s Revolution”. The Freedom Trial is such a wonderful place that every people who went to Boston should go and visit.

The first place we visited is the Boston Commons. Our class was separated into 2 teams and every group member had to act as a tour guide to introduce the background of one historical spot. I introduced the King’s Chapel Burying Ground. It is the oldest place in Boston. A lot of famous people are buried here. Then we visited a lot of famous place on the Freedom Trail.

From this trip, I learn a lot. Firstly, this trip let me know the history of Boston in details. I can know what happened and how many people have fought for this beautiful land. I really respect these people who went to the United States, looking for freedom and equality. Even though I am a student from China, I think that the US citizens should not forget the US ancestors wish.

The freedom trail

June 22, 2010, I visited the freedom trail which was the place to memorize how difficult the freedom that American got.
At first, we went to The Boston Common. It is the place for American to organize meeting and discuss events in the past. Now, The Boston Common become the park where people can take relax and have fun. It has the amazing grass ground and I like it. After that, we visited Park Street Church where people voted essential events and made decision. Also, we trailed Granary Burying Ground, King’s Chapel and King’s Chapel Burying Ground, Boston Latin School, The old South Meeting House, The Boston Massacre, The Old State house, and Faneuil Hall. They are all fantastic and extreme me a lot.
The topic of my presentation is The Boston Massacre which made me learned a lot. The Boston Massacre happened because the British solider enforced American to accept redcoats and the redcoats run out of the goods of American family. Also, the redcoat did not respect American. Therefore, the flush caused—the battle between American and redcoats started and five people died. In the end, the American won and redcoats were sent back to England. From this story, I learned that never be afraid to earn freedom and never give up.
That is the trial of my freedom trail.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

freedom trail

As usual, we take part in the Friday trip, and this Friday, we go along the Freedom Trail which is well-known as a historic walking tour in Boston.

The first station is Boston Common, which is a big park with fresh, verdant landscape. It is almost fifty acres in size. I went there before and enjoyed the sunshine on the lawn. I simply think it is a common park before going there on Friday.

The Granary Burying Ground was found in 1660. What is strange is that it is a cemetery located in the downtown. However, it is not as terror as cemetery in China, on the contrary, it is much more peace and harmonious. Approximately 5000 people are buried there even thought there are only 2300 headstone. I like it because when I go there I can feel the silent and peace. It is really the different world compared with outside.

The First Public School Site and Ben Franklin Status is the first public school in 1635, but nowadays it is transformed as a restaurant and we can eat or drink in it thought perhaps it is a little bit expensive. I like this way because in China, we always make historic house as a tourist attraction but do not use it.

Freedom Trail

This Friday, I visited Freedom trail. I think this is a good way understand American history.
The first station to freedom trail from Boston began, this self-proclaimed nation's oldest park, used to be a livestock farm .And later also as a military drill field. Time flies and now the Boston park without the military's chill atmosphere.And the atmosphere is full of green has become one of Boston's most laid-back place.
Has a golden dome of the State House, Boston is one of the famous landmark, built in 1798, from the design of the Capitol Washington, DC, architect designed a Boolean sub-odd. Further on-line that is located in Monte Street, Park Street and Cui Intersection of Park Street Church, which to primary agricultural products stored in the church, in 1831 the U.S. Independence Day the day, sounded the first U.S. state to celebrate the birthday of the singing the U.S. national anthem --- "america."
Freedom Road's last stop is the Bunker Hill Monument. The monument 221 feet high, mainly the United States to commemorate the 1775 war of independence for the first time the tragic war with the British soldiers who died patriotic. Unfortunately, I did not kept it.