Tuesday, July 13, 2010

African Heritage Trail

Friday, we visited the heritage trail and I enjoyed it although the weather was too hot. With walking on the African heritage trail and the presentation of my classmates, I knew a lot about the development of history of African American such as John Coburn House. The part of John Coburn House was my presentation and I learned a lot from John Coburn.
John Coburn, as an African American, established his own brand clothing before civil war. He born with poor and discrimination but became one of the most rich and excellent people in Boston. He commissioned Boston architect Asher Benjamin to design a house for his new property on Phillips Street where we visited on Friday. John Coburn was also a member of Freedom association which liberated slaves.
As far as we know, the African American had no rights to get education and do business. However, as an African American, John Coburn established his business and started a new track mark of clothing. At the same times, he devoted himself to liberate African American and joined the Freedom association. He born before Civil war and died after Civil war. What a miraculous life of him.
From his story, I understand never giving up no matter how difficult the life you have and doing contribution to society. Everything would be change if people have belief to do what they might not achieve. The world will be change if people never give up. Also, the world would be better if everyone does contribution to society such as the liberty of African Aemrican.

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