Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This friday

As a lazy student, I was proud that I could finish the African American heritage trail in that hot weather. I strongly regretted that I did not wear in cool instead of jeans. My leg was surrounded with sweat and it moved hard. I drank an enormous bottle of Sprite during the trip and still suffered from the hot weather. However, I believe that most of the students would enjoy the path we went through. Old houses arranged along the path with balcony which covered with plants. There was not anyone except us. I immersed myself in that simple and unsophisticated environment.

I deeply understand the cultural and historical context of Boston this city. The first public school for black children left deep impression in my memory. The Smith school found depending on the will of Smith and there is absolutely a beginning in education for black children which gave a slap on the face for those who discriminated black people. Boston staid in high status in history of the America and that day I could feel the contribution of this city.

Actually, this trip is perfect and connects sightseeing with humanistic education. I think I will be more pleased if the weather is not abnormal.

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