Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve is our destination in this Friday trip. It is less challeging than other destination in the past because we can take subway to go there without walking. Otherwise, it is what I enjoy in that hot day. We go into the house through security check which is like the process in airport. I suffer from it since I think I have no privacy under the detection.

Before arriving the room to get the presentation, we have to go down stairs. That is a terrible process because I do not like the bleak environment and cannot feel the fresh air. From the presentation, I can learn more about banking like its history, function and so on. I also know the difference between federal bank and some commercial banks. As the director to commercial banks, The Federal Reserve lives in different aspect and stay in different territory. As last, I get a bag of money which is cut in flakelet. In my opinion, I believe I can piece them together to a whole note when I am boring.

I do not think the journey today is that boring. Anyway, I can find something interesting in it and I really enjoy the trip every week. I can know the United States deeply in different aspects.

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