Monday, July 5, 2010

Bryan BLOG 4

Bryan BLOG 4

The week, we went to the Federal Reserve Bank. I learn a lot from this trip. Firstly, I want to study in business, so I am very interesting in the banking systems in America. Secondly, this trip let me know how the American banking system works. There are a few differences between Chinese banking and the United States banking. I really enjoy this trip.

After we finished the trip, some of my friends and I went to the downtown of Boston. We eat the chaffy dish in Chinatown. We also went to the biggest supermarket in Chinatown. The things there are quite cheap. For example: the milk in the common supermarket is $3.99, however, in the C-market, it will just cost you $1.99. We can save a lot of money there.

These days, I can feel the different cultures between China and America. The ways how people do things is quite different. For example, in China, when you want to cross a street, the cars behind you will sound the horn and drive passes you. But in America, most of the drivers will slow down their cars and let you go first. The environment in the United States is also good. I live in Shanghai, and the weather in Shanghai is similar with Boston. But in some south cities, the weather is very bad.

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