Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Trip of Harvard

Last Friday, we visited Harvard University which was one of the best university of the world. I was impression with the scenery of Harvard and it gave me a different feeling which compared with Northeastern University. The Harvard is traditional and historical—it built with the history of US.
For Northeastern University, the building style is modernist. But for Harvard, it more looks like the showing of the American history and culture. When I went to Harvard, I felt that I got the picture of 20 century which fell full with archaic and traditional. There are hundreds year building with the old building style—I believed that this is the specialty of Harvard.
For this trip, I was not only interested in Harvard building—I was also interested in the legend of Harvard. Before I came into the US, my friend told me that touched the foot of statue of Harvard with making a wish and the statue would achieve my wish. It was amazing and I tried. Maybe the statue doesn’t have magic to achieve my wish, but, I can get the belief and power to work hard and never give up my dream at least. I got the some confidence and determination from touching the foot. This legend gives people wish and belief. That is why I insisted the legend was amazing.

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