Tuesday, July 13, 2010

one week

During this week I have a special experience. I have though my music class’ midterm exam. This is the first time I have big exam in United State. Actually I am very nervous I am in the classroom waiting for the midterm. I know midterm exam is very important for us. But my foundation English is very poor in the class I can understand what was teacher said knowledge with the teacher’s explain but I am do very bad in my quiz. I do not know why. I want to have high score I want to do better in the class and the exam. But something is already done no matter I do anything it not will be change. So I think the only one thing I can do is review next the examination For example, I have to test macroeconomic in today afternoon. I do not know what will happen but I know if I did not want so sad like the music midterm I need try my best for my review and be careful in my exam. At the and I hope I can pass the exam successfully

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